Juice Wine Podcast

Juice Wine Podcast

A podcast by two women who love to drink wine.

S1 E18 Alessandro Viola & Anders Frederik Steen

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Join Emily and Guen at Berlin’s hottest new restaurant Barra with winemakers Alessandro Viola and Andres Frederik Steen as they share a few glasses, laughs and discuss their wines, styles, labeling and more.

This weeks wines:

Alessandro Viola - Alcamo, Sicily

2017 Note di Bianco 2017 Note di Rosso

Anders Frederik Steen - Ardèche, France

2017 Cette main légèrement serrée m'a laissé perplexe 2017 Pure magique pas des chimiques

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About this podcast

A tattoo artist and sommelier joined together in friendship and a passion for drinking the good stuff. JUICE is an entertaining and accessible podcast in which Guen and Emily share stories, knowledge and banter on their favourite bottles of wines. Episodes are either on a featured region, grape, style of wine or interviews with winemakers, sellers, importers and notable drinkers.
Tune into JUICE if you would like to join them for a glass and a laugh.

by Emily Harman & Guen Douglas


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